Home Darjeeling Body Discovered Hanging from Noose in Phansidewa

Body Discovered Hanging from Noose in Phansidewa

Tragic discovery in Phansidewa: Damu Munda, 35, found hanging. Locals rush to aid, but Bidhannagar police investigate the unsettling incident.

Phansidewa, Nov 27 (Siliguri Journal) – A sense of shock spread as the body of Damu Munda (35) was discovered hanging from a noose in the Sadargach area of Phansidewa block.

According to reports, on Monday, locals noticed the body hanging from a tree. Quick to respond, community members rushed to help and took him to Bidhannagar Primary Health Center, where doctors pronounced him dead.

Upon learning of the incident, Bidhannagar Investigation Center police promptly arrived, recovered the body, and sent it to North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (NBMCH) for a post-mortem examination. Currently, the police are actively investigating the entire situation.

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