Siliguri, Nov 28 (Siliguri Journal) – In a recent incident, Siliguri Mahila police station took action by arresting Sahil Kharwal, a resident of Gulma in Pradhan Nagar police station’s jurisdiction. He is accused of deceiving his girlfriend with false promises of marriage and engaging in physical relations under dishonest pretenses.
Reports indicate that Sahil was romantically involved with his 19-year-old girlfriend. The girlfriend claimed that over their five-year relationship, Sahil deceived her by making false promises of marriage, leading to multiple instances of physical relations. However, he later distanced himself from her.
The victim stated that on November 17, Sahil took her to his house, reassuring her of marriage, and once again engaged in physical relations. Subsequently, when the woman raised the topic of marriage, Sahil allegedly denied her request.
On Monday, the victim filed an official complaint at Siliguri Mahila police station, accusing Sahil of sexual assault and cheating. Acting promptly, the police arrested Sahil Kharwal within hours from the Gulma area. On Tuesday, the accused was presented before the Siliguri court. Presently, the police are conducting a thorough investigation into the entire incident.