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HomeSiliguriTwo individuals apprehended on charges of alleged gang rape in Naxalbari

Two individuals apprehended on charges of alleged gang rape in Naxalbari

Swift justice unfolds as victim's family reports assault, leading to immediate arrest of accused. Legal proceedings commence in Siliguri Court on Thursday.

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Naxalbari, Nov 23 (Siliguri Journal) – In the Ord Tea Estate in Naxalbari, a troubling event occurred when two individuals allegedly sexually assaulted a woman. The suspects, Niten Oraon and Sumesh Sauria from the Belgachi area of Naxalbari, have been arrested in connection with the incident.

According to reports, on Wednesday night, the victim was reportedly lured by the accused youths. They then took her to a secluded area in the tea garden and allegedly sexually assaulted her. Fortunately, the victim was able to escape from the situation after the incident.

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Subsequently, the victim’s family filed a written complaint at the Naxalbari police station, leading to the prompt arrest of both accused individuals. On Thursday, the accused were presented before the Siliguri Court.

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Sk Sahiluddin
Sk Sahiluddin
Sk Sahiluddin is a seasoned journalist and media professional with a passion for delivering accurate and impactful news coverage to a global audience. As the Editor of Siliguri Journal, he plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction and ensuring the highest journalistic standards are upheld.
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