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HomeAlipurduarWild Elephants Roaming into Madarihat Region

Wild Elephants Roaming into Madarihat Region

Wild tuskers visit Meghnath Saha Nagar: Residents escape elephant encounter unharmed, highlighting the occasional fearsome wildlife encounters in the area.

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Madarihat, Nov 24 (Siliguri Journal) – Residents in Meghnath Saha Nagar and Pradhan Nagar areas of Madarihat found themselves in a bit of a stir when a group of wild elephants strolled through during their morning walks. The unexpected encounter led to some nervous moments among the locals.

According to reliable sources, a group of five wild tuskers made their way into the area from the expansive Jaldapara National Park forest. Despite the looming presence of these elephants, there was a sigh of relief as several individuals managed to escape any direct encounters or attacks.

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Following the unexpected visit, the herd gracefully redirected its path back towards the protective cover of the forest. This incident has left an imprint on the minds of the local residents, who shared their concerns about similar occurrences happening occasionally. The unpredictable nature of these encounters has led to a sense of apprehension and fear among the community, underscoring the need for heightened awareness and safety measures in the region.

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Sk Sahiluddin
Sk Sahiluddin
Sk Sahiluddin is a seasoned journalist and media professional with a passion for delivering accurate and impactful news coverage to a global audience. As the Editor of Siliguri Journal, he plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction and ensuring the highest journalistic standards are upheld.
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